Avalon Academy is a modern homeschool utilizing the elements of the great schools of the past. We have graduated two students. One has gone to and graduated college. The other is happily fulfilling an apprenticeship trajectory in small business management.
GLL, our current student, is enrolled in Avalon Academy because traditional brick-and-mortar school was not a good fit. Our guy, like many students, found it difficult to thrive in a traditional school setting. The rigid structure, large class sizes, and one-size-fits-all approach to education left him feeling uninspired and disengaged. GLL and his family made the bold decision to explore homeschooling as an alternative. This choice allowed him to have a more customized learning experience tailored to his unique needs and learning style. With the support of dedicated homeschooling resources and a flexible schedule, our guy was able to delve deeper into subjects that interested him and move at his own pace.
It looks like we may be starting again in a few years after a wedding in 2024. With luck and many blessings we may have a kindergartner and a high schooler at the same time.