Our Educational Philosophy and Curriculum

The Trivium

The Trivium consists of three stages: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This approach seeks to nurture young minds with an understanding of language, philosophy, and rhetoric through engaging course work.  


The choice of materials challenges students to think critically by asking questions, analyzing data, and concretely articulating their understanding. Core principles within this educational model include a love of learning, wisdom through language and analytical thinking.


The word progymnasmata is Greek for "preliminary exercises." These exercises were taught in ancient Greece and Rome to educate boys in the art of speech writing. To the ancients the progymnasmata were foundational for the education of a free citizen. Public speaking was thus held in extremely high regard in ancient Greece, and mastery of language, core of ancient Greek education.

The progymnasmata are just as crucial for modern students as they were for ancient students. Virtuous, clear, and persuasive communication is critical to being a free citizen in the free world today.


Great Books

The Great Books provide an engaging yet educational experience. The books are suited to the reader’s age while still maintaining a connection to ancient and classical studies. The goal is to provide a thorough understanding of the subject matter while also providing valuable life lessons or inspiration.


The best books for classical education explore literature, history, and philosophy from antiquity. These works may include authors such as Homer and Herodotus or even more recent authors like C.S Lewis and Tolkein..


Reading these works can help the reader gain insight into different cultures and understand how traditional values shape our current worldviews. Additionally, they can offer timeless wisdom on topics such as justice, courage, and morality which can help readers become better people both now and in the future.

Curriculum for GLL

Math - Math U See Delta

Expository Writing - Classical Writing Aesop and Homer

Science - Easy Peasy Chemistry and Physics with Labs

History - Story of the World

Grammar - Harveys Grammar and First Language Lessons

Spelling - All About Spelling

Handwriting - calligraphy 

Literature - via The Well Trained Mind: Beowulf, Sir Gwain and the Green Knight, Shakespeare, King Arthur, Robinson Crusoe, Edward Lear, Robert Lewis Stevenson, HG Wells, Peter Pan, and many more